1.Is your surgeon a Board-certified Plastic Surgeon?

Once you have decided to proceed with breast augmentation, your choice of surgeon is probably the most important decision you will make. The answer to the above question should be a short, definite “Yes!” If your surgeon says, “I am board-certified” (leaving plastic surgeon out of the equation) or adds a board different than plastic surgery, that means they could be certified by any Board, including Internal Medicine, Family Medicine, General Surgery and OB/GYN. The American Board of Plastic Surgery (ABPS) remains the gold standard in education, training and certification of plastic surgeons. You can verify that your surgeon is a board-certified plastic surgeon at https://www.abplasticsurgery.org/

2. Is the surgical facility your surgeon uses certified by a national agency?

Having surgery, including elective cosmetic surgery, should be treated with respect. There are always risks to any surgery, and you should also make sure that the facility where you are having your breast implants placed is also a certified facility. That ensures that the appropriate anesthesiologist and essential equipment is available, and that the facility adheres to stringent criteria to minimize infections and complications.. Many physicians try to lure patients with the “safety” of local anesthesia, while at the same time performing the surgery in uncertified facilities. If surgery will be performed in an in-office facility, look for facility certification by agencies like AAAASF, AAAHC, Medicare, IMQ or a bona fide national agency.

3. What size and shape breast implant should I choose?

The discussion at your consultation will cover both saline and silicone breast implants. Today’s highly cohesive silicone implants are the most popular and close to 90% of all primary breast augmentations are done with silicone implants. Your board-certified plastic surgeon will review the shapes and the size of implant that is most appropriate for someone with your breast dimensions. There is no implant that is equivalent to cup size, so spend time with your surgeon explaining what you want to achieve and your surgeon will help you narrow down the size that is most appropriate for your wishes

4. How long does recuperation from breast augmentation take?

The operation of breast augmentation should take less than one hour, and many times it can take as little as 30 to 40 minutes under general anesthesia. That means that, coupled with careful surgical techniques, swelling and bruising should be modest and recovery should also be faster than in years past. Most patients take pain medication for 3-4 days and can go back to work at one week, provided their jobs do not require significant physical activity. Strenuous exercise should be avoided for about one month after surgery.

5. How long do breast implants last?

Today’s silicone breast implants are very durable and should last many years. No implant, whether it is a breast implant, knee implant, or hip implant, will last a lifetime. Once healed your surgeon will always be happy to see you in follow up. In general, follow up after about 10 years is indicated. If no problems are found, there is no reason to change implants, although some patients decide to change implants at some point in their future, depending on pregnancies, weight change, or personal preferences. Breast augmentation has a very high satisfaction rate and patients love their newly found confidence and the fun they have in their new bathing suits and clothes!

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