On a sparkling, sun-drenched Friday, Plastic Surgery Associates of Santa Rosa closed its doors and gathered off-site for its Second Annual Strategic Planning Event. Such meetings may be common for many businesses, but they’re rare among plastic surgery practices. I’ll admit that as my husband and I scheduled our First Inaugural meeting last year, it was difficult to justify shutting down all three entities (Plastic Surgery Associates, Allegro MedSpa, and The Surgery Suite) for an entire day just to talk.
And, of course, to listen. It turns out talking and listening are essential ingredients to improving a practice. During the day, ideas flowed and to-do lists grew. We learned about each other’s jobs, discussed what we do well, and suggested ways to improve. It was a day for us doctors to listen, to take notes, and to let our staff do most of the talking. We brainstormed in groups. We jotted down ideas. We gathered en masse to share them. Then, after lunch on the terrace above Sonoma County’s hills, we arrived at the essential oil of who we are and where we want to be.
What did the team say? Read on:
Meg of Allegro MedSpa
MEG: I left thinking: Any business with this many employees should take note! What an opportunity to be able to have a true round table discussion, where all employees’ opinions and concerns could not only be voiced, but more importantly HEARD! I came away with a renewed sense of commitment and gratitude for this amazing practice, our doctors, and everyone that works here.
Abby of Plastic Surgery Associates of Santa Rosa
ABBY: Stepping out of the office as a group allowed us to grow and improve both as a practice and as individuals. I learned that we are an intelligent and powerful team, all with the same goal of providing the best possible experience for our patients and for each other.
Danielle of Allegro MedSpa
DANIELLE: It is very encouraging to know that the doctors we work for appreciate and respect our input. It was a great way for all the teams to come together to brainstorm, to support one another, and to see different perspectives. This meeting reaffirmed that each and every person brings something wonderful to this team.
Joy of Allegro MedSpa
JOY: I learned that it is not my imagination… We do have an awesome group.
Wendy of Allegro MedSpa
WENDY: By being all together, we could ask questions, interact with one another, and get those questions answered. Away from the office we were more open, and we could enjoy each other in a different setting.
Kirstie of Plastic Surgery Associates, Allegro MedSpa, & The Surgery Suite
KIRSTIE: It was a perfect opportunity for EVERYONE to get together and brainstorm. I learned that we have a LOT of strengths as a whole, and that everyone wants to be a part of making PSA/Allegro/TSS a great experience for our patients!
Quyen of Plastic Surgery Associates
QUYEN: All three entities were able to come together as one large group, which allowed each to be aware of the struggles and accomplishments of the others.
Keri of Plastic Surgery Associates and Allegro MedSpa
KERI: The meeting reinforced the respect and appreciation that I have for other departments within our organization. It was a wonderful team-building day! We’re already looking at the calendar to figure out the date for our Third Annual Strategic Planning Event.