
Offered at our convenient location in Sonoma County, CA

Brella™ is a needle-free FDA-approved sweat control patch that reduces excessive underarm sweating (primary axillary hyperhidrosis) for improved comfort and confidence. Hyperhidrosis is a common condition that affects approximately 15.8 million people in the United States. (1) The condition can affect every aspect of your daily routine, from needing to take multiple showers to frequently applying antiperspirant.

Allegro MedSpa of Santa Rosa can help you improve your quality of life with customizable, safe Brella™ treatments that take 20 minutes or less. After just one treatment, you can experience relief for three to four months.

Contact our office or call (707) 537-2123 to learn more about how we can help.

About Brella™

Brella™ targets overactive sweat glands with patented technology that reduces sweating by 50%. Taking showers throughout the day and managing high dry cleaning bills or frequently replacing sweat-stained clothing can affect your quality of life and self-esteem. Excessive underarm sweating (hyperhidrosis) does not have a known cause. If you have a thyroid condition, anxiety, diabetes, or heart failure, you may have a higher chance of developing hyperhidrosis. Patients struggling with the condition are more prone to microbial infections, and in some cases, their skin softens and breaks down (skin maceration). (2) Reducing excessive sweating with a Brella™ treatment prevents sweat-related fungal and bacterial infections from clogged pores. If excessive sweating is causing embarrassment or affecting your daily routine, eliminating it will help you feel more confident.

Brella™ Technology

Sweat is produced by glands located deep in your skin. They are most prevalent on the forehead, armpits, palms, and soles of the feet. Your body regulates sweat through nerve fibers that are linked to hormones in your body and are controlled by your central nervous system. (3) To reduce sweating, the SweatControl Patch uses Candesant’s targeted alkali thermolysis (TAT) technology. The interaction between sodium and the water in your sweat affects the structure of your sweat glands (microthermal injury) to deactivate them for 3-4 months to help you feel more comfortable.

Brella™ Benefits

Brella™ treatments are:

  • Noninvasive
  • Needle-free
  • Aluminum-free
  • Cost-effective
  • Quick
  • Long-lasting

Unlike topical creams for sweat reduction that can cause skin irritation, or oral prescriptions that can result in dry mouth or eyes, Brella™ helps you achieve results without uncomfortable side effects.

Brella™ Candidates

The best candidates for Brella™ are looking for a non-invasive solution to address excessive underarm sweating. If you have been struggling with embarrassing sweat marks that make raising your arms uncomfortable and antiperspirant is not helping, Brella™ can help you find relief. You are likely a good candidate if you are struggling with any of the following signs and symptoms: (4)

  • Disruptive sweating even when you are not exercising
  • Excessive sweating in cool environments
  • Heavy sweat that ruins clothing
  • Antiperspirant stains from attempts to control sweat
  • High dry cleaning bills to restore sweaty clothing
  • Adjustments to your social life or work schedule due to excess sweat
  • Feelings of embarrassment or low confidence

Although sweating is normal, if you are struggling with excessive sweat, after just one Brella™ treatment you will see and feel the difference.


During your consultation, we will ask about your symptoms and recommend a treatment plan to help you find relief. The best candidates are adults who wish to reduce excessive underarm sweating. If you have a current skin infection or an open wound, you must wait for it to heal before you can receive the treatment. Children and adolescents are not able to receive the treatment at this time.

Brella™ Preparation

To prepare for a Brella™ treatment, you will need to:

  • Shave your underarms 48 hours before.
  • Clean your underarms thoroughly before your treatment.
  • Wear loose-fitting clothing that you can easily remove.
  • Stay hydrated and drink plenty of water.
  • Remove skincare products and antiperspirants from your underarms.

Brella™ Treatment Process

During a Brella™ treatment, we will apply the SweatControl Patch to your underarms for approximately three minutes. The SweatControl Patch is an adhesive sodium sheet. Our team places it on your skin for targeted sweat gland therapy. The adhesive backing keeps it in place during your treatment. When we apply the patch, the sodium mixes with your sweat and generates heat. The heat targets your sweat glands in the underarm area to reduce excessive sweating, keeping your underarms dry throughout the day for reduced sweating. You may feel a warm sensation or a mild stinging that some patients describe as pins and needles while the treatment targets your sweat glands.

Brella™ Recovery

Brell sweat control patch  Allegro MedSpa of Santa Rosa

You can return home immediately or resume your normal routine after Brella™ treatment. The procedure is very short and you can return home immediately after. After your treatment, you may have some mild tenderness or sensitivity that should resolve in 48 hours. Brella™ does not require downtime. If you experience mild irritation, you must wait until it resolves before you use deodorant or antiperspirant.


You can enjoy drier underarms in just a few days. In a recent SAHARA study, patients were able to reduce excessive sweating by 50% after just one treatment. (5) For the next 3-4 months, you can enjoy a significant reduction of excessive sweat to help you feel more comfortable in your clothing. Most patients also experience increased self-esteem because they do not need to manage embarrassing, uncomfortable excess sweat.

Corresponding Treatment

Laser Hair Reduction

If you are struggling with thick, excessive hair growth beneath your arms, why not combine your Brella™ treatment with laser hair reduction to remove it? Underarm hair can trap excess sweat, resulting in body odor that is difficult to get rid of. Laser hair reduction helps you achieve smoother hair-free skin by altering the structure of your hair follicles to prevent growth. If you have undesired hair growth on your arms, legs, or pubic area, we can easily eliminate it with a laser hair treatment. Combining your treatment with laser hair reduction can help you achieve smooth, hair-free underarms.

To learn more about other treatments at Allegro Medspa, see our blog.

Cost of Sweat Control Treatment in Santa Rosa

The cost of Brella™ at Allegro MedSpa will depend on the size of the area you would like to treat. The cost will also depend on the length of your treatment plan. Many patients prefer to come back to the office regularly. Contact our office or call (707) 537-2123 to schedule your consultation and get started on your treatment.


Why do some people sweat more?

Genetic predisposition plays a significant role. Some individuals are simply born with more active sweat glands or more sensitive sweat responses. Conditions like hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating) can cause individuals to sweat more than usual, often unrelated to temperature or exertion.

What is hyperhidrosis?

Hyperhidrosis is a medical condition characterized by excessive sweating beyond what is necessary for thermoregulation. It can affect various parts of the body, including the armpits (axillary hyperhidrosis), palms of the hands (palmar hyperhidrosis), and soles of the feet (plantar hyperhidrosis). This condition can be physically uncomfortable and emotionally distressing, leading many individuals to seek treatment options.

Can antiperspirants effectively treat hyperhidrosis?

In mild cases of hyperhidrosis, over-the-counter or prescription-strength antiperspirants may provide relief. However, individuals with more severe symptoms often require additional treatments.

Do sweaty armpits indicate hyperhidrosis?

While occasional sweating under the armpits is normal, individuals experiencing excessive sweating that interferes with daily activities may be dealing with axillary hyperhidrosis.

Is Brella™ FDA-approved?

Yes, Brella™ is FDA-approved and well-tolerated. It is safe for multiple skin types.

How many Brella™ treatments will I need?

One treatment can reduce sweating by 50% for three to four months. You can return to the office after a few months to maintain your results.

Is Brella™ safe for all skin types?

Yes, it is safe for all skin types. If you have a rash, however, or a skin condition that irritates, you must wait until it subsides to receive the treatment.

Are there any risks or side effects related to Brella™?

After treatment, some patients experience minor irritation after 48 hours. However, it will subside quickly.


  1. Bahareh Abtahi-Naeini, Farahnaz Fatemi Naeini, Saffaei A, et al. Treatment of primary axillary hyperhidrosis by fractional microneedle radiofrequency: Is it still effective after long-term follow-up? Indian Journal of Dermatology. 2016;61(2):234-234. doi:
  2. Doolittle J, Walker P, Mills T, et al. Hyperhidrosis: an update on prevalence and severity in the United States. Arch Dermatol Res 308, 743-749 (2016).https://doi.orq/10.1007/s00403-016-1697-9.
  3. Patel BC, Treister AD, McCausland C, Lio PA, Jozsa F. Anatomy, Skin, Sudoriferous Gland. PubMed. Published 2024. Accessed July 3, 2024.
  4. Inc CB. Pivotal Clinical SAHARA Study Shows Candesant Biomedical’s Investigational Sweat Control Patch Significantly Reduces Primary Axillary Hyperhidrosis (Excessive Underarm Sweating). Accessed July 3, 2024.
  5. Parashar K, Adlam T, Potts G. The Impact of Hyperhidrosis on Quality of Life: A Review of the Literature. American Journal of Clinical Dermatology. Published online January 9, 2023. doi: